Rules and Policies
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By ticking the box on the Strathfield Football Club Online Registration System, I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to the following information…
- I am not under suspension by any sporting organisation.
- I have not contracted or signed to play for any other football team this year
- I am duly qualified to play for this team according to the rules of the Association
- There are no monies or property owing by me to any Club or Association.
- I agree to reimburse Strathfield Football Club for any fee or fines imposed by Football Canterbury or any other football (soccer) authority or any other authority which relate to any act, verbal or physical, I committed on or off the playing field within 14 days after I receive notification in writing.
- I agree to reimburse my club Strathfield Football Club for the cost of any appeal I request my club to undertake within 14 days after I receive notification in writing.
- I agree to reimburse my club Strathfield Football Club for the cost of any disciplinary hearing which was conveyed because of any action either verbal or physical I committed on or off the playing field within 14 days after I receive notification in writing.
- I agree to reimburse Strathfield Football Club the sum of $100 each time I receive a red card, and understand I will not be released to participate again, until the fee has been paid in full.
- I understand any suspension handed down to me from Football Canterbury, that Strathfield Football Club will also add the minimum suspension as listed in the Football Canterbury Judiciary Disciplinary Appeals Regulations (which can be found on the Resources page of the website) ie: if I receive a one match suspension and the minimum for my offence is a one match suspension, I will receive 2 matches in total.
- I have read the above information regarding my details on this form and it is correct and true.
- That I have had the opportunity to read the rules of the Association and will abide by these rules and any decision(s) of Football Canterbury. Inc and Strathfield Football Club.Membership Application: I hereby apply to become a member of the STRATHFIELD FOOTBALL CLUB INCORPORATED (incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984). In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time being in force.
The purpose of this Code is to provide you with an enjoyable and safe environment, where you are able to develop as a player, gain personal fulfilment and satisfaction through friendly competition.
To this end, as a player it is your role to meet the standards of behaviour outlined in this Code and by doing this you contribute to ensuring the game of football prospers and Strathfield Football Club’s (Strathfield FC’s) integrity is maintained.
As a player of Strathfield Football Club, I agree to:
- play by the rules of Strathfield FC and the laws of the game,
- act in a cooperate manner with my coach, manager, referees and team mates,
- respect fellow players, coaches, managers and referees and the achievement of opponents,
- always respect the referee’s decision,
- be a good sport and play fairly,
- never engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, sledging, obscene gestures, offensive remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability, taunting or other actions that are demeaning to other players, officials or supporter,
- shake hands with and thank the opposition players and officials after the match whether I win, lose or draw,
- care for and respect the facilities and equipment made available to me during training and competition,
- be a team player,
- give my best at all times,
- participate for my own enjoyment and benefit,
- never become involved in acts of foul play,
- never arrive at a football game under the influence of alcohol, never bring alcohol to a junior game and only drink alcohol, if it is available, in a responsible manner in the designated area set by the Strathfield FC.
- safeguard my health; don’t use any illegal or unhealthy substances,
- abide by the Strathfield FC’s Code of Conduct at all times.
In registering with the Strathfield Football Club, I agree to abide by these principles. I support Strathfield FC in its undertakings and encourage Strathfield FC to take any necessary disciplinary actions including the suspension and banning where warranted of any coaches, managers, players and/or supporters for repeated or serious breaches of the Club’s Codes of Conduct.
The purpose of this Code is to provide all players at Strathfield Football Club (Strathfield FC) with an enjoyable and safe sporting environment, where they are able to develop as players gaining personal fulfilment and satisfaction through friendly competition.
To this end, as a Coach/Manager it is your role to support each player and treat each of them as a team member and as an individual. In addition, you have a special responsibility to ensure that you strive to build the character of your players, as well as their skills and promote sportsmanship over gamesmanship.
As Coach/Manager of Strathfield Football Club I agree to:
- respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual player and treat every one equally regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion,
- respect the talent, potential, developmental stage and goals of each player so that each player reaches their full potential,
- ensure that all players receive an appropriate level of attention and opportunities so that their time spent playing football is a positive experience,
- operate within the rules and spirit of the sport of football promoting fair play over winning at any cost and encourage players to do the same,
- maintain high standards of integrity, sportsmanship and adopt responsible behaviour in all interactions:
- respect the decisions of officials and referees,
- actively discourage foul play, sledging or any unsportsmanlike behaviour by players at all times on and off the field,
- not tolerate harmful or abusive behaviours and remove from the field any player/s whose behaviour is not acceptable and breaches the Strathfield FC’s Code of Conduct,
- display control and courtesy to all involved with the game of football,
- develop a team respect for their opponents ability,
- teach my players that an honest effort is as important as a win,
- be a positive role model for my players, Club and
- act in a professional and ethical manner at all times:
- accept responsibility for my decisions and actions,
- show concern for the health, safety and welfare of every player,
- keep my knowledge of coaching and training methods up to date,
- set appropriate training programmes based upon the individual characteristics of each player and the team,
- ensure equipment and facilities meet safety standards,
- ensure my decisions and actions contribute to a safe and harassment free environment,
- refrain from initiating a sexual relationship with a player and actively discourage any attempt by a player to initiate a sexual relationship with me,
- abide by the Club’s Member Protection
- never arrive at a football game under the influence of alcohol, never bring alcohol to a junior game and only drink alcohol, if it is available, in a responsible manner in the designated area set by the Strathfield
- ensure the Codes/Rules of Canterbury & District Soccer Football Association Inc. are followed
In registering with the Strathfield Football Club, I agree to abide by these principles. I support the Strathfield FC in its undertakings and encourage the Strathfield FC to take any necessary disciplinary actions including the suspension and banning where warranted of any coaches, managers, players and/or supporters for repeated or serious breaches of the Club’s Codes of Conduct.
Your Privacy: Your photograph or name may appear on our website ( ), as part of regular weekly newsletters and team reports, in any of our physical or digital photo galleries, and/or on our social media pages. Your personal information remains private and is used for registration and administrative purposes - It may also be used, from time to time, for marketing purposes, by club sponsors. I agree to Football NSW and the Canterbury District Soccer Football Association using my name and image in the promotion and marketing of Football NSW, the Canterbury District Soccer Football Association, the competition and programs that are conducted and the commercial relationships that are entered into in connection with those competitions and programs. For further information please contact .
- encourage children to participate, have fun and not force them,
- support your child and team in a positive manner,
- place the safety and welfare of the players above all else,
- encourage children always to compete according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence,
- focus on the child’s effort and performance rather than winning or losing,
- never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake,
- respect the performances and efforts of all people,
- respect the referee’s and official’s decisions and teach children to do likewise,
- applaud good play by your own team and the opposing team,
- never engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, sledging, obscene gestures, offensive remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability, taunting or other actions that are demeaning to other players, officials or supporters,
- at all times follow the directions of the Ground’s officials and/or any other match day staff,
- condemn all violent or illegal acts in any form, whether it is by other supporters, coaches, officials or players,
- encourage your child to avoid illegal/foul play, and
- never arrive at a football game under the influence of alcohol, never bring alcohol to a junior game and only drink alcohol.
Grading Policy Statement
Strathfield Football Club is a family oriented competitive sporting club. We believe in promoting participation in our game, equal opportunity for all players, development of football and team skills, and above all, enjoyment of the game.The Club believes that placing players in a grade appropriate to their skill level plays a significant role in achieving these objectives. The grading policy aims to promotethese objectives, and is not about winning. Grading gives players the opportunity to:- develop all players, both their individual skills and enjoyment of the game,
- be in (and play against) teams with other players of similar attitude and ability,
- have an equal opportunity to participate, and
- have an equal opportunity to contribute to the team’s performance.
Grading Policy
Application: The grading policy applies to all age groups from under 8s up. Grading is implemented when players move from the Small Sided Fields to the Mini and Half fields.Grading is to be introduced early because it has been demonstrated that it is necessary for the skills development of players (both highly developed and lessdeveloped).Grading will occur at a time, date and manner as determined by the Committee of Strathfield FC in accordance with other policies determined by the Club and CDSFA (Canterbury and District Soccer Football Association).U6/U7: No specific grading is proposed. The Club registrar will be responsible for the placement of players in teams and will take into account past experience (where applicable) and other requests entered on the Registration form.Grading policy: All teams in each age group 8 and up will be graded. This is required in order for the Club to determine the appropriate level to recommend placement of teams in the CDSFA Competition.While it is not necessary for players to participate in the Grading process it is required by the Club if the player is to be placed in the highest graded team/s that the club registers in the CDSFA competition for that age group in a particular year. This policy will only be varied by the Coaching Director in consultation with the Strathfield FC President under special circumstances. Any request must be made in writing through the Club Secretary prior to the closing date of team finalisation within the Club and subject to the availability of a position being available within the nominated team.If the Club only receives enough registrations for one team then the grading of that team is subject to the number of players that has registered in an age group each year and their playing history with the Club and any previous participation in the CDSFA Competition.Implementation: The grading process will be conducted by the Strathfield Football Club Coaching Director and his/her nominees. The Coaching Director will endeavour to have at least one other grading panelist who is independent of the age group.Consultation with coaches will be at the discretion of the Coaching Director. The Club registrar will assist in managing the grading process and all parent inquiries are to be addressed to the registrar.The decision of the Coaching Director is final. Should the Registrar be unable to resolve a dispute regarding the grading process the decision of the StrathifeldFootball Club President after consultation with the Coaching Director will be final.- Elaborate on rules and regulations of FIFA, FFA and Football NSW Limited (FNSW) in relation to playing equipment during matches;
- Emphasise the decision made by the International Football Association Board’s (IFAB) to allow the wearing of the Hijab in football matches.
FNSW has the power under its By-Laws to create and issue Policies from time to time.SAFETY
The overarching rules in respect of any playing equipment or any items worn are set out in Law 4 of FIFA’s Laws of Game which is as follows:“A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewellery).” All items of clothing or equipment other than the basic equipment must be inspected by the referee and determined not to be dangerous.If an item of clothing or equipment that has been inspected at the start of a match and determined not to be dangerous becomes dangerous or is used in a dangerous manner during the match, its use must no longer be allowed.USAGE OF EQUIPMENT
Caps Unless otherwise exempted or allowed by a referee, goal keepers are the only players who are permitted to wear caps as they may constitute a danger to opponents.Head bands and Wrist bands The wearing of cloth head and wrist sweat bands are permitted.Hair ties Material and elastic hair ties are only permissible.Undershirts Long sleeved undershirts must be the same tonal colour as the player’s shirt.For the avoidance of doubt, if a player’s shirt contains more than 1 colour (for example red and white) then the tonal colour of the undershirts must be the dominant colour of the player’s shirt and that colour must be worn by all players that are wearing undershirts.Moreover, if a player’s shirt contains more than 1 colour and those colours are equal (for example red and white stripes) then the tonal colour of the undershirts must be one of the colours on the player’s shirt and that colour must be worn by all players.Undershorts Undershorts must be the same tonal colour as the main colour of the player’s shorts. Players are permitted to wear full length undershorts provided it is the same tonal colour as the main colour of the shorts.For the avoidance of doubt, if a player’s undershorts contain more than 1 colour (for example red and white) then the tonal colour of the undershorts must be the dominant colour of the player’s undershorts and that colour must be worn by all players that are wearing undershorts.Moreover, if a player’s undershorts contain more than 1 colour and those colours are equal (for example red and white stripes) then the tonal colour of the undershorts must be one of the colours on the player’s undershorts and that colour must be worn by all players.Glasses Players are permitted to wear sports goggles, sports glasses or sports sunglasses as long as, in the opinion of the referee, they pose no danger to the player or other players. The Optometrists Association of Australia has stated that children involved in sport, requiring assisted vision, should wear protective eyewear such as sports goggles or sports glasses with soft or flexible frames fitted with a plastic or polycarbonate lens.Jewellery All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are strictly forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is not acceptable.Referees are also prohibited from wearing jewellery (except for a watch or similar device for timing the match).However, if in the opinion of the Referee, a medical bracelet or necklace presents no danger, then it may be allowed on the condition that it can be taped or bandaged to the body to provide protection. A medical bracelet can be covered by a tight wrist guard and similarly, a medical necklace can be sufficiently padded.Hijab On 3 March 2012, IFAB agreed in principle to overturn the decision it took in 2007 and will now allow women footballers to wear a Hijab or headscarf when they play football. A final ruling will be made on or about 2 July 2012.The Hijab or headscarf may be worn by female players subject to the following:- That the Hijab is the same tonal colour as the main colour of the player’s shirt;
- It shall not create a danger to either the wearer or any other player; and
- Referees are not permitted to check the affixing of the Hijab and under no circumstances touch the
The individual player, team coach and the club have the responsibility for player equipment and should be fully aware of the requirements set out in this Policy, other FNSW, FFA and FIFA rules and regulations adopted from time to time.DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS
Except for the inspection of the use of the Hijab, the players are to be inspected by the referees before the match and substitutes before they enter the field of play.If a player is discovered to be wearing unauthorised clothing or jewellery during play, the referee must:- Inform the player that the item must be removed;
- Order the player to leave the field of play at the next stoppage if he or she is unable or unwilling to comply;
- Caution the player if he or she wilfully refuses to comply or, having been told to remove the item, is discovered to be wearing the item